I just remade my website from scratch. The site is now faster and more visually appealing. You can see a comparison of the two sites above. On the left is the old version of the site, and on the right is the new version.
The first change I made when redesigning the website is the color scheme. I prefer these dark, royal red tones to the blue tint I had before.
I also made this website more mobile-friendly through the use of media queries to create responsive CSS. I made sure to keep mobile devices in mind when redesigning my website.
I used Slim 2 for URL routing and TWIG for templating. This makes the site faster and easier to update. The source code of the website is available on my GitHub page.
Finally, I added Google Code Prettify so that I can post code in this blog in the future. Here's an example:
while(true) {
alert('Hello, World!');