My SC2News app has been in need of an update. I've finally submitted the 2.0 version to the App Store.
When I first started messing with iOS 7 and auto-layout specifically, I started by messing with my SC2News app to see how much better I could get it to look in iOS 7. Based on that experience, I decided to completely re-make the app from the group up. It would give me a chance to organize the code in a better fashion and to implement the new iOS 7 look and feel.
Apple's new design paradigm made the new look a fairly easy task to accomplish. I made most everything black, with white text and a green tint color for actions. It creates a really nice, clean look. The app icon was also fairly easy to make - instead of having the more complicated design with "SC2 News" on the icon, I settled for a green gradient and the letter "N" in StarCraft font.
I was careful with all of my view-making, and much to my surprise, once I tried running it on the iPad simulator, the interface scaled exactly as I expected it to. I'm fairly sure the app could run on an arbitrarily sized device. I'm ready for you, iPhone 6.
Hopefully, the Apple App Review overlords will see it fit to approve my app.